Friday, September 25, 2009

Please... not another Kabalen in Malacañang...

Gearing up for 2010 presidential elections as of right now are cousins, Secretary Gilbert “Gibo” Teodoro and Senator Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III.  If luck would go along with one of the two, there will be another Kapampangan president within the span of 30 years.  A historical record in a sort of way, but somehow a miserable failure in terms of governance.  Whenever we have a Kapampangan in Malacañang, the country has almost knocked itself in the brink of economic meltdown and political instability.  And if we look into our history, there has been a Kapampangan that has shaped the history of this nation, for better or for worse.


I cannot believe that Diosdado Macapagal is hailed as the poor man from Lubao, while their ancestor, the first Macapagal, is a datu from Arayat and a relative of Lakandula.  He betrayed his own people at the Spanish revolt and was rewarded a license to steal, cheat, and plunder (encomienda).  It could have been a conflict in interest to say that the heir to the Maestre Campo General of Candaba, Arayat and Apalit region during the Spanish era would be a poor man by the time the Spanish relinquishes possession of the Philippines to the Imperialist of the modern century.  He also floated the Philippine currency to the wishes of his “influencial advisers” which has contributed to the gradual economic disaster starting from his term.  It is not possible for a developing country to float its local monetary unit and maintain the stability in the rate of exchange for its currency in the exchange market.  He also tricked the people by announcing not to run for presidency for a second term, and reneged on his promise.  

Sounds familiar?  Yes, because this scenario was repeated in 2004 elections by Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, twice stealing the presidency from the mandate of the people.  The daughter of the poor man from Lubao first stole the presidency from a semi-stupid, pro-poor president by a coup conspired with all the high ranking officials of the armed forces and the police.  Next, she broke her promise not to run for president, and conspired again with the military in cheating another popular pro-poor icon “winning by 1 million votes” through a telephone call.  The self proclaimed “economist” also promised economic stability by entering into “business agreements” disguised as Memorandum of Agreements and Economic and/or Military Treaties to other countries.  


Well, the Cojuangcos and the Aquinos are from Tarlac, but historical and geographical facts tell that Tarlac does not have its own regional identity.  The Northern part of the province speaks Ilocano or Pangasinenses while the South part speaks, well, Kapampangan because of it’s proximity to Pampanga.  

I think Teodoro (believed to be the most favored nephew of Danding Cojuangco) may have adopted some negative Kapampangan traits.  This “Harvard graduate” has somehow played a loyal part of Gloria Arroyo and her cohorts in helping the country be the most corrupt government in Asia at the present.  He was believed to be instrumental in turning a blind eye for the interest of the people and has been supporting “influential pro-imperialist advisers and friends”.  Remember, he graduated in Harvard and has studied and learned the American way.  The US government already cannot support GMA since supporting her would be an insult in America’s “Advocacy for Democracy and Freedom”.  Since GMA is ineligible for another presidential term sans Charter Change, the US is believed to be supporting whoever she unanimously anoints as successor to her grand “imperial” ambition, and it would be Teodoro.

About Noynoy, perhaps his only advantage was his mother’s political integrity until her death.  Cory was known to be a symbol for democracy and integrity, and Noynoy plans to follow his mother’s path of righteousness, if elected.  And yet, Hacienda Luisita is in the midst of Agrarian Reform conflict from the Agrarian Reform Law instituted during his mother’s presidency.  Also, let us not forget the thousands of farmers who died in Mendiola.

Whoever wins from the Cojuangco clan will cater to the elite members of the society, and will probably ignore the poor.


Others have helped shaped Philippine history by theirs acts.  Remember the Macabebe spies, who helped American forces capture General Emilio Aguinaldo thereby ending the revolution and a chance for a genuine Philippine Republic after the Spanish era.  Well perhaps, this was payback time for Aguinaldo for his treachery to Bonifacio and the Katipunan.  Earlier historical accounts would have it that Aguinaldo instructed a certain Lazaro Makapagal(surname derivation) to execute Supremo Bonifacio and his brother Procopio.

Perhaps everything was mere coincidences, but still, I am not hoping for another Kapampangan to run this country into bankruptcy.  I believe their contributions have helped shaped our country in some ways, more negative and slightly devastating than we have hopes for.  It is time for us to look beyond their treachery and inconsistent political intricacies in the hope of attaining peace, progress, and development.

So please… I beg you… not another Kapampangan in Malacañang…


  1. Interesting blog. I respect your opinion and feelings. But this rather sounds regionalistic or tribalism, if not racist to me. There are good and bad eggs in every barrio. I think it's better to gauge candidates on person-to-person basis, not on what families or provinces they belong. If we go along your line of reasoning, we should not vote for Kapampangans because they have largely bad historical records. Should we not say also we SHould vote for an Aquino because they have largely good historical records? But then, you said "no" for Noynoy because he is Kapampangan and you were not so impressed by Cory Administration's shortcomings, if not blunders.

    In the global perspective, we have learned enough in the two World Wars that racism killed millions of people.

    Still, it's good to hear your persepectives though and that you are opening talks to who could better lead our country after Gloria. ;-)

  2. Who then? if not Nonoy,anybody from Minda?, NCR? I think where he/she´s from is, is not the point anymore !! , who can save our morale in politics is a better basis.

  3. definitely, im not voting for another Kapampangan in Malacañang simply because i don't trust that Harvard graduate and i am not convinced by the Democratic son.

    im alarmed on how you presented your blog coz i do know some Kapampangan's who are eligible, truthful, capable of serving the Filipino, unlike one, two or three that you mentioned. isama man natin si Lito Lapid. =)

    my friend is running for public office in Pampanga. even if my friend runs for Malacañang, he will make a difference as a Kapampangan.

  4. i know... i am alarmed too by the way i presented my opinion... and i have to watch my back carefully within the streets of Angeles from now on...

    i do have kapampangan friends... unfortunately i can count them... and as much as it pains me to criticize the whole region because of some unforgettable lessons from their fellow kabalens from history... this is who I am, this is what I feel...

    it may sound regionalistic or racist in some sense but it is only 1 opinion against approximately 60 million votes in 2010... it hurts a lot that other good and honest people might be offended by my tirades... but then again, isn't it enough already? my point is, so many of them in the government, lots of chances given to them already and yet they weren't able to live up to expectations in the span of 23 years... i am not patient enough to wait for another 23 years just to prove that there is a good kapampangan that can lead the country into good governance and prosperity...

    lastly, i lost all confidence in them... they had their chance last elections, instead they hurled accusations of cheating to their current head of the province, which is a respected disciple of the church who was only forced into public service because of the current wrongdoings by their fellow kabalens in the government... perhaps maybe i am too harsh to judge them, but who can blame me for everything that i currently see in them...

    another thing... for the proper basis in selecting candidates instead of my semi-biased ramblings or discrimination... i could dwell on that but it is better to make that a separate topic or blog... if i could make one within the proper time...

  5. i think the battle now for Presidency is the battle of who is lesser evil. i am praying (as in) that the incoming election will not be stained by cheating and greed for power, coz if so, my God!!! there is no way for Philippines but down, really really down.

    very well said(written) kuya, but just like what they said, this is somewhat alarming especially that this pertain to a certain region or group people. but knowing you, i know you mean well, and not necessarily generalizing everyone from that group.

  6. yes bhenie i am not generalizing since i am currently residing in Pampanga... this is just a matter of political preference... and because everyday i see some of their flaws, whether in the political scene or just simply by looking out of our window... by the way my only POV in this blog is about Gibo and Noynoy... most of the contents are found in our history books so i just based my preference on what has been written about them ever since paper was invited and used as medium for historical and archiving purposes...

  7. You made it sound like being a Kapampangan is such a bad thing. Maybe people should focus on the acts rather than the lineage. It's so not fair. These people may have made mistakes but it shouldn't be made to define Kapampangans, whether running for position or not. Besides, so many people here have been living in shame whenever it's highlighted that GMA is a Cabalen.


  8. its not such a bad thing... it's a LITTLE bit bad... but then again...
    where are those people you said that are gearing towards positive change?

  9. ang bigat nman...
    ikaw nlang kaya tumakbo?!

  10. 25 pa lang ako... minimum age daw kasi ay 40...
    tapos people will start attacking even the little credibility that I have...
    sasabihin nila i am not worthy, even nobody is...
    but at least i will not stoop down to that level wherein i have to grovel before the Arroyos just to win the election, or just to be president...
    the next president must NOT betray her people, even if it is a regional trait...

  11. alam mo, mtalas yun gift of clairvoyance ng nanay ko..
    sabi nya, nun d pa nanalo yan si pres- the next philippine president is an evil woman...
    tama nga!
